Going into 2021, catchphrases related to friends named Justin being "cracked" at Fortnite surfaced on Twitter, among other platforms.
It's now the multiplayer game sensation played by millions around the world, on PC and popular console platforms. On November 30th, TikToker chrispena08 used the audio along with a video of his baby sitting in a gaming chair with headphones, earning roughly 13.5 million plays and 2 million likes in the same amount of time (shown below, right). All Fortnite Memes 'Fortnite - Battle Royale' is the Battle Royale adaptation of the original Fortnite zombie game. Fortnite Memes Category: meme Created on 30 April 2021 3.5K views Ready to waste some more time on gaming related stuff Has mom taken away your controller because you spend WAY too much time on the console Well she can't take away Voicy from you.So welcome to the Fortnite memes soundboard.

For instance, on November 24th, 2020, TikToker diego_artwell posted a skit about his little brother disturbing him while gaming, earning roughly 6.8 million plays and 930,400 likes over the course of a year and a half (shown below, left). Going into December 2020, multiple TikTokers used onevilage's sound for their own videos. Over the course of a year and a half, the video received roughly 4.8 million plays and 543,800 likes (shown below). On November 23rd, 2020, TikToker onevilage repurposed the audio into his own video, which made a joke about talking to young, Gen Z sixth graders on a school bus. 53 Fortnite Jokes And Puns That Are A Real Hot Drop Of Humor by Julie Sprankles Updated: JOriginally Published: JErik Mclean/Unsplash If you’ve got a gamer in your house or you are the gamer no one needs to tell you twice that Fortnite hit the gaming world by storm when it dropped in 2017. The video was deleted along with dylannatalin's account, however, on June 8th, 2020, the TikTok was reuploaded to YouTube by the channel McPepsi Memes, earning roughly 6.1 million views over the course of two years (shown below). The funniest Fortnite memes are as varied as its crazy skins, and we have all of them on Memedroid. Sometime in late May 2020, a TikTok was posted by dylannatalin (since deleted) where he recorded his friend Justin playing Fortnite and brags about him from afar. moments from popular streamers, gameplays and glitches.